Friday, October 12, 2007


I took off work today and headed to the courthouse. The one I normally go to had 9 new leads for today, which is below average but still beat last week. Then I headed to a nearby county to see if it would be a good idea to expand my route. Turns out that there were 40 leads in that county. I had to pay $17 for parking and it's a little out there, so it'll be a challenge to add it to my weekly routine without taking a day off each week. But it seems that figuring out some way of doing it will be worth the effort.

So I wrote up the leads and sent them to my investor. With 49 or so leads per week, I'm looking at what should average 2 purchases per month. That's a lot better statistic than previously. I imagine that it'll take a while for a pipeline to be built up with a good amount of purchases coming in each month, but this definitely makes things seem more promising.

The rest of the day was pretty productive as well. I had time to watch my brother's soccer game as well as hit the gym. I've been sick for the past 2-3 weeks with an annoying post nasal drip so I had been ditching the gym in hopes of helping recovery. I figured I'd go anyway today, and thinking about it now, it might help me push through this. Regardless, it felt good to get in a work out.

I also updated the breakdown of my finances. Interestingly enough, my savings are still 60% of my net worth, my liquid amount is up to 12% and my investment percentage is up a percent to 28%. My net worth went up a good chunk in the last two weeks overall, so while the balance isn't exactly how I'd like it to be, it's still an improvement.

Alright, that's all I've got for today.

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